More than 10 years of research to develop the formulation of Optim Curcuma !
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In the late 1990s, a group of scientists at the UCLA School of Medicine, led by Dr Sally Frautschy PhD and Dr Greg Cole PhD began their quest to improve curcumin bioavailability.
After ten years of research, nearly 200 turmeric-based formulations and endless trial and error, the problem of curcumin bioavailability has been solved with the patented Solid Lipid Curcumin Particle Technology (SLCP™) of Longvida® curcumine
The secret of Longvida® curcumin lies in this patented process, which consists of encapsulating the curcumin with natural lipid particles to increase the absorption / the bioavailabity of curcumin in the body by at least 65 times.
Solo puedo dar una opinión limitada en el sentido de que parece que funciona bien medido por bienestar general, pero todavia no confirmado por analítica de sangre.